Saturday, 12 May 2012

Should I Filter My Home Made Wine?

Yes. It is quite common for most commercial wineries to filter their wine after the fermentation process and before bottling. Some people think that this will remove some of the flavoring components but it has been tried and tested by the wine manufacturers for decades if not hundreds of years.

The filtering process will aid in removing the extra gasses that the yeast produces and will remove the yeast itself.

If you are unsure of how to filter your own wine then you can always look fore more information about wine filtering online.

Some wine kits will come with a wine filtering equipment and everything that you will need to filter your home made wine but if your kit did not come with one then you can go to your local wine making store to purchase on or you could simply purchase one online.


  1. I'm not sure how to ask a new question
    I'll ask it here if that's alright
    I made elderberry wine last fall and racked it to a new carboy after the 2nd ferment finished.
    moved it into the cellar after new years
    just brought it up and it began to ferment again
    I've drawn off some wine to give it room, quite nice to taste, what should I do?

  2. Well... You have some options. You can either let it keep fermenting until the yeast have died off completly and hope that it becomes an even better product than you already have, or you can stop the fermenting with campden tablets, Potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, or a product called a wine conditioner. Either way is good but once the yeast is completely dead you need to rack the wine again to remove more lees.

    I hope that is the answer that you were looking for.

  3. seems intuitive as the questions arise
    the answers are made know
    had to siphon off a bit more just now
    had some with dinner yumm
    the bubbling seems likes its slowed
    will watch it awhile longer
    bubbles are always fun eh
    will then rack
    put it back

  4. by the way
    how would one ask a new question?
